Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Come Back.

        Im so happy that I have the chance to blog again. Write all the stuffs under the sun that I think that is quite relevant or even some rants. I always have this urge to write, but everytime I had the chance,the ideas just disappear from my mind.

        And another factor I think that stops me is my time and my family.Since last February of the year, I started to be a bit busy. I became a mom at the same time a student. (It's really hard but I enjoy it tho :) ) Being a mom and a student really changes me. I became more responsible, the motherhood in me came out unexpectedly,and being me as a wife is just really a surprise. I saw myself as my mom!lol. Everyday is a new day for us. I saw myself nagging to my boyfriend just because he forgot to remove his socks from his shoes. Cooking and washing clothes at the same time. A mom is indeed a multitasking human being. I guess we beat the men in this capabilities of ours. Im not being sexist but I think it's true.

          My baby is already 7 months old and she's really growing soo fast! I'll try to find time for blogging. And  to keep this blog updated!

Here's a picture of my little earthling! 


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